Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl
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Edition VI 2024

As part of the 6th edition of the “Mobility for doctoral students” competition, 13 applications were submitted, including

– 5 applications in the HS Panel,

– 3 applications in the NZ Panel,

– 5 applications in the ST Panel.

All applications were subjected to substantive evaluation by the competition committee.

As a result of the individual evaluations, a list of winners in the “Excellence Initiative – Mobility for Doctoral Students – 6th Edition” competition was drawn up.

HS panel

1. Lidia Gerc, 170 points,

2. Mariusz Nowak, 150 points.

3. Jakub Slupczewski, 150 points,

4. Alina Smietana, 140 points,

NZ panel

1. Lidia Zasada, 165 points,

2. Krystyna Palubicka, 140 points,

3. Marta Saldat, 140 points.

ST panel

1. zuzanna Flanc, 175 points,

2. octavia Kalisz, 160 points,

3. Agnieszka Marjanowska, 135 points,

4. Mohamed Boumhamdi, 130 points.

5. Thiliban Manivarma, 130 points.

Formal and substantive evaluation of the competition applications was carried out by a competition committee composed of the directors of doctoral schools operating at the University led by the director of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School Academia Copernicana and a representative of Task Force 2.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)