Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl
zdjęcie nagłówkowe

1st edition 03.01.2020 – 27.01.2020

1. Call for proposals:

03.01.2020 – 27.01.2020
Recruitment completed

2. Competition description:

Call for Proposals for postdoctoral fellows outgoing to foreign institutions under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme
The  objective  of  the  calls  for  proposalsis  to enable  young  scientists  employed  at  the Nicolaus  Copernicus  University  in  Toruń  gain  international  research  and/or  teaching experience through postdoctoral fellowships in recognised foreign scientific institutions. The calls for proposalsare open to anyone who has been awarded a doctoral degree within up  to  3  years  prior  to  submitting  an  application  and  is  employed  at  the  Nicolaus Copernicus Universityas research or research-didactic staff.
Applications shall be sent using: the application form.

Call for Proposals for postdoctoral fellows incoming to the NCU under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme
The objective of the calls for proposals is to internationalise scientific research and/or education at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń through postdoctoral fellowships undertaken by young scientists from abroad. The calls for proposals are open to anyone who has been awarded a doctoral degree from a foreign scientific institution within up to 3 years (where justified up to 5 years) prior to submitting an application. In justified cases, the competition may be entered by a person for whom the procedure of awarding a doctoral degree has been initiated prior to  submitting the application and who meets other criteria for entering the competition.
Applications shall be sent using: the application form.

Competition for experienced scientist and research – teaching employees outgoing to foreign institutions as part of the “Initiative of Excellence – Research University” program
The objective of the competition is to enable experienced scientists employed at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń to gain international research experience through short-term visits to recognized foreign scientific institutions. The call of proposals may be entered by a person employed at the Nicolaus Copernicus University as a professor or university professor as well as assistant or , if he obtained a doctoral degree within more than three years of submitting the application and meets other criteria for entering the competition.
Applications shall be sent using: the application form.

Rules of the Call for Proposals for professors incoming to the NCU under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme
The objective of the calls for proposals is to internationalise scientific research and/or education at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń through postdoctoral fellowships undertaken by young scientists from abroad by carrying out short-term visits by outstanding scientists from abroad. The call is open to a person employed in a foreign scientific institution as Assistant Professor, Researcher, Associate Professor, Full Professor or Reader (or in equivalent positions).
Applications shall be sent using: the application form.

3. Announcements and documents:

Questions regarding the project can be sent to the dedicated e-mail address mobilnosci@umk.pl.

4. Contact:

Contact person: Magdalena Murszewska-Król, MA, phone no.: 56 611 31 31.