Edition V SMART 2024
The competitions are aimed at students at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń who demonstrate a desire to carry out research projects at foreign research institutions. SMART 1 is aimed at students from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń who have been qualified for the Erasmus+ programme in the 2024/25 academic year (a teaching trip to a foreign university or research institution). Under the SMART 3 competition, it is possible to obtain funding for a two- to four-week research visit (placement) to a foreign scientific institution.
The competition requirements and application procedure are specified in the competition regulations introduced by Orders 155 and 157 of the Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń of 19 July 2007.
in Toruń of 19 July 2023.
Applications submitted under the competitions were assessed by a competition committee appointed by the IDUB coordination team.
A total of 58 applications were received under the two competitions: 52 under the SMART 1 competition of which 1 was withdrawn by the applicant and 6 under the SMART 3 competition.
The Commission recommends that the applications prepared by the following persons be allocated for funding under SMART 1:
1. Karolina Gajewska
2. Nina Niewinska
3. Dmytro Prynziuk
The Commission recommends allocating for SMART funding 3 proposals prepared by the following persons:
1. Dorota Chmielniak
2. Karolina Kozłowska
3. Szymon Mosakowski
4. Wiktoria Piórkowska
5. Aleksandra Szczepańska