Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl
zdjęcie nagłówkowe

Recruitment of students

1. Call for proposals:

05.02.2025 – 16.03.2025 (THUS i NatSci)

2. Competition description:

The competition is addressed to first- and second-cycle students from foreign universities who are academically active and strongly motivated to carry out a designated research project.

  • The list of projects selected for each Summer Programme (2025 edition) and the application form are available on the Toruń Summer Programmes website (link)

3. Announcements and documents:

The rules for the recruitment of students are set forth in Chapter 3 of the Regulations.

4. Results:

Edition 2024 (link)