Excellence Initiative - Research University
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Selection of projects implemented in the Toruń Summer Programs for Students

1 Call for proposals:

23.12.2024 r. – 16.01.2025 r.

2. Competition description:

The competition is aimed at people employed at UMK in the group of academic teachers holding at least a doctoral degree and representing a scientific discipline covered by one of the five Summer Programs specified in the Competition Regulations, who plan to undertake scientific cooperation with students from foreign universities, carrying out joint research projects.

List of Torun Students Summer Programs – Torun Students Summer Programs – TSSP:

    1. TSSP ExSci – Toruń Students Summer Program in Exact Sciences,The program includes disciplines: astronomy, physics, mathematics, informatics, automatics, robotics, and computer science

Program Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Kamil Fedus, prof. NCU (Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science)
Deputy Program Coordinator: Robert Skiba, PhD (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science)

    1. TABMED – Toruń and Bydgoszcz Medical Summer Program,
      The program includes disciplines: medicine, pharmacy, laboratory medicine, cosmetology, nursing, midwifery,  physiotherapy, medical rescue, dietetics, public health, ocular optics, optometry

Program Coordinator: Oliwia Kowalczyk, PhD (Medical Faculty, Collegium Medicum)
Deputy Program Coordinator: Michał Kłosowski, Msc (Faculty of Health Sciences, Collegium Medicum)

    1. TSSP NatSci – Toruń Students Summer Program in Natural Sciences,The program includes disciplines: biochemistry, biology, biotechnology, chemical sciences, Earth sciences, environmental protection, geography, spatial management, tourism, veterinary

Program Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Wojciech Kujawski, prof. NCU (Faculty of Chemistry)
Deputy Program Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Przemysław Charzyński, prof. NCU (Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management)

    1. TELSP – Toruń Economic and Legal Summer Program,The program includes disciplines: management, economics, business and administration, finance, accounting, logistics, communication and psychology in business, comparative constitutional law, medical law, insurance law, human rights and bioethics, tax law, new technologies and their impact on criminal procedure, international and EU public and private law

Program Coordinator: Aranka Ignasiak-Szulc, PhD (Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management)
Deputy Program Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Maciej Serowaniec, prof. NCU (Faculty of Law and Administration)

    1. THUS – Torun Humanities and Social Sciences Summer Program,The program includes disciplines: ancient History, Archeology, Cogtnitive Personality Psychology, Decorative Arts and Conservation of Works of Art, East Central and Northern Europe in the Middle Ages, European Studies, Higher Education, History of Historiography, History, Internal Security, International Relations, Medieval Archeology, Medieval History, Modern History, National Security, Philosophy and Theory of Politics, Political Systems, Political Thought

Program Coordinator:
Deputy Program Coordinator: Associate Professor Maria Wincławska (Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies)

3. Announcements and documents:

The rules for the selection of projects carried out in the Toronto Summer Programs for Students are defined in Chapter 2 of the Regulations.

5. Results of completed editions:

The list of projects selected for the Toruń Summer Programs for Students (2024 edition) can be found on the Toruń Summer Programs website (link)

The list of projects selected for the Toruń Summer Programs for Students (2023 edition) can be found on the Toruń Summer Programs website (link)

The list of projects selected for the Toruń Summer Programs for Students (2022 edition) can be found on the Toruń Summer Programs website (link)