Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl
zdjęcie nagłówkowe

Competition – selection of experts

Call for applications for expert support

1. Call for applications:
Continuous call for applications.

2. Description of the competition:
Competition for those who want to benefit from the experience of experts during the preparation of a research project in the process of applying for a grant from external funds. The call is conducted on a continuous basis. Applications for the competition to receive substantive assistance from experts should be submitted electronically using the application form. The competition is open to academic teachers and doctoral students of the University.

The application prepared in English should include:

  1. details of the applicant (name, surname, department, unit, scientific discipline, degree or title, career stage, telephone number, email address);
  2. a list of the most important publications of the last 5 years ( no more than 10);
  3. the name of the agency, the date of application and the type of grant competition in which the applicant intends to submit a grant;
  4. brief information about the subject of the proposal;
  5. names from the list of experts whose experience the applicant would like to use (no more than 3). The list of Experts can be found on a separate sub-page (link);
  6. a commitment to participate in the relevant training organized under this program;
  7. commitment to submit a grant to an external research funding institution.The submitted application is reviewed by the proposed expert. At his request, the rector decides whether the expert will take care of the applicant. One expert can take care of a maximum of 5 people at the same time.

3 Announcements and documents:

Application form – expert assistance

Infographic 1 (general)
Infographic 2 (factual support)
Infographic 3 (recruitment)
Appendix 3 – Report of the Expert
Appendix 4 – Report of the person under care

4 Contact:
Contact: IDUB Program Section, Dominika Kwiecinska, MA, e-mail: d_kwiecinska@umk.pl, phone: 56 611 31 52.