Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl

Employees Publications Competition

Zdjęcie ilustracyjne

Competition “Publications for employees” - Important information!

Call for applications for publication funding!

Dear employees,

Thank you for the great interest in our competition! Unfortunately, we would like to inform you that the funds for those outside the research teams (SD) and from the EF limit have already been exhausted for this quarter. Don't worry, the budget will be replenished in Q4 of this year. 
Competition description:
The purpose of the competition is to enable academics to obtain funding for the costs of publishing in prestigious scientific journals and disseminating them in open access (Open Access).

The call for proposals is being held in three groups:

- Members of university centers of excellence (CDs)
- Members of research teams of emerging research fields (EF)
- Individuals from outside the teams, within the limit for the sustainability of disciplines at the University

Funding rules:

- Funds are allocated for Open Access publications.
- For UCD: journals from Q1 according to Web of Science.
- For EF and SD: journals from Q1 and Q2 according to Web of Science.
Funds are disbursed quarterly until exhausted. Applications will be evaluated by a review committee based on bibliometric parameters.

Important information:
- Requests should be submitted before the service is provided and the invoice is delivered.
- For foreign publications, the amount should include 23% VAT.
- After approval of funding, the invoice should be immediately submitted to the IDUB Secretariat with the date of service.

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