Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl

Publication Competition for UMK Doctoral Student

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Publication Competition for UMK Doctoral Student

Publication Competition for UMK Doctoral Students

Call for applications: Continuous Recruitment.

Dear PhD students, thank you for the great interest in our competition! Unfortunately, we would like to inform you that the funds allocated for sustainability of all disciplines at UMK (SD) have been exhausted for this calendar year.

Contest description:
The purpose of the competition is to fund the publication costs of doctoral students under the “Excellence Initiative - Research University” program. The competition is aimed at participants in doctoral studies and doctoral students of doctoral schools, excluding members of university centers of excellence.
Funding is available under the competition for:
- Fees for providing open access (Open Access) to an article in a Q1 or Q2 scientific journal;
- Fees for translation or language correction of an article;
- Funding for printing a monograph.
Detailed information and maximum funding amounts are specified in the competition regulations.
- The prerequisite for receiving funding is the submission of an appropriate application using a dedicated application form.
- The competition is held on a continuous basis until the funds allocated for the calendar year are exhausted.
- The application for funding must be submitted before the service is performed and the invoice is delivered.
- It is not possible to pay an invoice if there has been no prior approval for funding.
- For foreign publishers and translators, the amount requested should also include 23% VAT.

After obtaining approval for publication funding from IDUB funds, the invoice should, immediately upon receipt, be forwarded to the IDUB Secretariat with the date of service.

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