Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl

IDUB talks


Cezary Odrzygóźdź, PhD – Chairman of IDUB Team 4, Director of the Centre for Academic Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer at UMK.

The team supports innovation and cooperation with the socio-economic environment, initiating contacts between the university and business and stimulating implementation work in accordance with international standards. It works to promote entrepreneurship through TRIZ training, Startup Weekends and Hackathons, and strengthens the role of the Academic Business Incubator in developing innovation and cooperation with the economy.

Interview with Dr Cezary Odrzygóźdź, Chairman of IDUB Team 4, Director of the Centre for Academic Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer at UMK.

(photo submitted)


Klaudia Bonowicz, MA, PhD student representative within IDUB Team 2, PhD student at the Doctoral School of Medical and Health Sciences and employee of the Department of Histology and Embryology, CM UMK.

The aim of Team 2 is to improve the quality of education of students and doctoral students, especially in priority research areas (POB), through their active involvement in scientific activities and attracting the most talented candidates from home and abroad through summer schools, internships, scholarships and international partnerships. The team implements project-based learning and mobility, and the flexible doctoral schools focus on research.

Talking with Klaudia Bonowicz, MA, PhD student representative within IDUB Team 2

Talks held between 2023 and 2024