Excellence Initiative - Research University
Contact ul. Gagarina 7, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 31 31
e-mail: idub@umk.pl

Funding to develop cooperation in international partnerships

We would like to inform you that due to the use of funds, the submission of applications for funding to develop cooperation in international partnerships is only possible until the end of 2024.

Under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme members of University Centers of Excellence and Emerging Field are able to obtain funding for activities related to the development of cooperation in international partnership. The aim of this competition is to enable above mentioned teams operating under the emerging research field (EF) establishing and developing long-term cooperation at international level with leading research institutions, in particular:

The maximum amount of funding is 30 000,00 PLN for University Centres of Excellence and 20 000,00 PLN for Emerging Fields.

Submissions for the competition, in accordance with application form, which must be sent via a dedicated online form.


Dominika Kwiecińska, MSc, e-mail: d_kwiecinska@umk.pl, tel. 56 611 3152